Michigan Mission Statement
The mission of the Michigan Society of American Foresters is to serve those professional natural resource managers responsible for the stewardship of our forests and offer information to the many interests within our Michigan communities.
The Michigan SAF consists of 415 foresters from many walks of life; state, federal, industry, consultants, university, and others. While many perspectives may lie within every natural resource issue, the depth and diversity of the Michigan SAF provides strength and expertise found nowhere else.
Realizing that the health and use of forests is vitally important to society and that we, as foresters, have a technical and advisory role to play as spokesperson for these resources, we offer the following:
The Michigan SAF consists of 415 foresters from many walks of life; state, federal, industry, consultants, university, and others. While many perspectives may lie within every natural resource issue, the depth and diversity of the Michigan SAF provides strength and expertise found nowhere else.
Realizing that the health and use of forests is vitally important to society and that we, as foresters, have a technical and advisory role to play as spokesperson for these resources, we offer the following:
- Promote and enhance the professional development of our members.
- Create public awareness of professional forestry.
- Participate in constructive, open dialogue with other resource professionals, conservation groups, state and local government, and the general public.
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